How did the survey process go?

By reviewing the process of the survey you will know what to keep and what to change so things go more smoothly the next time you plan a survey.

Steps What went well What we could do better next time
Set your goal 🤔 🤔
Plan the survey 🤔 🤔
Design the survey 🤔 🤔
Run the survey 🤔 🤔
Survey analysis 🤔 🤔
Take action 🤔 🤔
Time 🤔 🤔
Communication 🤔 🤔

How to celebrate our achievements?

Think about ways you can thank people who were involved, how you can recognise those people who went the extra mile, or who made the most progress. Celebrating the success of hard work creates a collective growth mindset, showing everyone that with dedication and a clear plan, school improvement and change can be achieved.

Where to go from here?

A continuous cycle of evidence-informed school improvement can bring your school or trust from good to great. Our hope is that you will be able to take these steps and integrate them into the culture and daily practices of your organisation – focusing on the right kind of evidence, translating that into an action plan and building a culture of collaborative inquiry.

The processes we describe in this material are bound to require some adaptation for your needs as you go through the steps.

The context of each school or trust will require modifying your approach, cutting some parts and expanding others, but we hope that these guidelines are a good start. We would love to hear your feedback and stories of school improvement at

If you are interested in reading more about feedback and organisational change systems, we suggest these resources:

One informational summary resource accompanies this chapter of the hub. You can share and adapt the materials by providing a link to the original documents and indicating if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner but not in any way that suggests that Edurio endorses you or your use.


Review worksheet

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