12 July, 2024
Building Edurio with you
Your insights are invaluable and will play a crucial role in shaping the future of how we work together. This blog examines the survey highlights and what is next for the Edurio community.
Shaping the Future of Edurio with Your Feedback
Here’s a blog post from our Head of Customer Success, Molly Henson. She leads the Customer Success team to ensure customers are at the heart of Edurio. She has guided numerous schools and trusts across England on their improvement journey and helped them collect, analyse, and implement feedback from thousands of stakeholders.
Thank you for your valuable feedback
As the summer term draws to a close and we all look forward to a bit of R&R (and hopefully even a dash of sunshine!), I wanted to take this opportunity to share some findings from a customer survey we ran earlier this term relating to your needs and experiences with Edurio, to make sure you’re being kept in the loop and can see how your feedback is leading to action.
Thank you to everyone who participated. Your insights are invaluable and will play a crucial role in shaping the future of how we work together.
Survey highlights
Edurio works with 160+ trusts and over 2000 schools. This includes some of the largest trusts in the UK. This diverse representation across the sector allows us to ensure that we’re tailoring our services and support to meet the varied needs of organisations, and take productive strides together in helping schools to become thriving communities.
What You Value Most
From the feedback, it’s clear that you greatly value access to national benchmarks (91%), the results platform with features such as filters, matrix view, and word clouds (71%), and access to your own internal benchmarks (53%). These insights emphasise the importance of us providing robust tools for data analysis and comparison, particularly as we start to see data and AI become more prevalent within the sector. We are committed to enhancing these features further in the coming months.

Areas for Improvement
With the launch of Edurio Unlimited just around the corner, we found it interesting to learn that while many of you feel confident in designing your own surveys (75%), there is a recognised challenge with getting survey structure right. This indicates a need for additional support, which we are developing over the summer and will continue to evolve in the new academic year. Our goal is to ensure you have the resources and confidence needed to create effective surveys yourselves; surveys that give you clarity on the things that matter most, as soon as you need it.
What Next for the Edurio community?
Continuation of excellent support
We are delighted to hear that most of you appreciate the assistance provided by our Edurio colleagues in building survey content and structure (73%) and administering surveys on your behalf (71%). Given the high appreciation for our expert support, we plan to expand our resources and training sessions to further assist you in creating effective stakeholder feedback strategies and well-structured surveys.
Enhanced communication and updates
We observed a strong preference for being able to regularly access survey response rates during a live survey. To address this, we will work on enhancing our communication to keep you better informed throughout the survey process, making it much easier for you to see response rates whenever you need to.
Edurio Unlimited
As we transition to Edurio Unlimited, we are excited to announce several key improvements that will be rolled out in September:
- Automatic question benchmarks: Users of Edurio Unlimited will be able to see which questions contain an Edurio national benchmark, with the benchmark automatically added to the results platform when you close your survey.
- New survey builder and template library: Offering a more intuitive and flexible survey creation experience as well as lots more survey templates for all of your feedback needs.
- Custom Filters: Allowing you to create and add your own filters to the survey platform as soon as you close your survey.
- Trusts and schools launch their own surveys: Do you want to run a Trust wide temperature check at the start of term? No problem! Both Trusts and Schools will now be able to create and launch their own surveys directly from the Edurio platform.
- New Help Centre: Featuring FAQs and how-to guides to support you in using our platform effectively.
The entire Edurio team is very excited about the upcoming improvements and I look forward to sharing more updates with you in the autumn term.
In the meantime, thank you for your continued support and for being a part of the Edurio community – I hope you have a lovely summer period.