Plan for the Survey

Collaborate, align, and seek diverse input to plan and implement your survey successfully.

Who do I need to involve in this process?

School improvement at any level is a collaborative process. Involve those who will help make this process successful. It is important to design this process around the unique situations of each school, trust, team, and community. We recommend collaborating with a few colleagues on this process.







Ask yourself, “Who has been involved in successful change initiatives in our school/trust? What have they done to be successful?” These two questions may give you insight into potential team members to invite and to seek advice from for designing your unique process.

This collaboration can be very useful for keeping emotions at bay and biases in check, as not everyone will come to the table with the same past experiences and views in mind. By working together in this way you will establish openness and let everyone get a better picture of the evidence. You may also want to look outside your organisation and outsource some parts of the process, for example survey design, to ensure a level of quality and to save time.

Form your team

We suggest no more than 6 members on your team. Having more than 6 people shifts your team from a small group to a large group, which drastically changes group dynamics. For ease of time, collaboration, and leaving space for dialogue, keep your team under 6 people, remembering you can consult others beyond the core team.

  1. #1 Change Agent

    That’s likely you, reading this. It’s someone who is taking the time to study and guide the successful process. You don’t have to be the CEO/Principal to lead on this, but you do have to get their approval (otherwise, things rarely move forward).

  2. #2 SLT/Exec Representative

    Someone who can represent the voice of leadership and help make decisions to move the process forward.

  3. #3 IT

    Someone who can help with the tech side of all things needed.

  4. #4 Stakeholder Representatives

    Depending on what you’re interested in learning about, having one or two people from that group guiding the questions, process, and analysis gives you immediate feedback on different approaches.

We suggest no more than 6 members on your team. Having more than 6 people shifts your team from a small group to a large group, which drastically changes group dynamics. For ease of time, collaboration, and leaving space for dialogue, keep your team under 6 people, remembering you can consult others beyond the core team.

A contracting conversation at the start of this project with your team will be important to ensure that the team is clear on the goals, their roles, the process, and how you’ll work together (timelines, decision-making, etc.). It’s healthy to schedule regular check-ins with your team to start the project as you’re learning to work together, and then to adjust as the project demands.

Task Responsible to lead Involve for support
Oversee the survey project, timelines, goals, results, next steps
Choose the survey tool
Design the survey content
Plan and execute survey logistics - inform respondents
Plan and execute survey logistics - manage the survey platform
Analyse the survey results
Lead feedback sessions about results
Communicate survey results
Plan next steps

Align your team

It is vital that you and your team are dedicated to finding solutions to problems and are prepared for the tasks ahead. As each team on a school or trust level is a unique unit with its own experiences and needs, keep these characteristics in mind when considering team dynamics.

Getting everyone on the same page might mean addressing any doubts they have about collecting and implementing stakeholder feedback. Here are some of the most common reasons why people may be hesitant to engage with your project:

Seek diverse input

There are various ways to implement a collaborative team approach when planning your survey steps. However, there are key areas of this process to seek input for before moving forward, to minimise resistance down the road. Planning regular check-ins for input from leadership, staff, parents, and sometimes, even pupils will give you a broader range of perspectives and help you maintain alignment throughout the process.

You may also want to get an external view on your topic of focus by working with other schools, trusts or advisors. This can help you reduce bias and give you fresh ideas for what to look for, by having someone ask guiding questions that will help you organise your train of thought.

We suggest ensuring that you check in and communicate frequently with:

School improvement at any level is a collaborative process. Involve those who will help make this process successful. It is important to design this process around the unique situations of each school, trust, team, and community. We recommend collaborating with a few colleagues on this process.

Leadership of the school/trust

Keeping them involved and informed will limit the resistance they may feel to the validity of the data later on. We suggest the following points:

  • Start of Project
  • Formation of Team
  • Overview of Plan/Process + Budget Request
  • First Draft of Survey (and final draft, if requested)
  • Launch of Survey
  • Closing Survey and Approach to Analysis
  • Their attendance to a feedback session
  • Proposal for Action
  • Reflections on Process, and Next Steps

Staff in the school/trust

Even if your staff aren’t filling in the survey (for example if you’re surveying parents/pupils), they will have helpful feedback on the questions, language, and context of the pupils and parents.

  • Start of Project
  • Formation of Team
  • Launch of Survey
  • Closing Survey and Approach to Analysis
  • Their attendance to a feedback session
  • Proposal for Action
  • Reflections on Process, and Next Steps


Unless directly engaging with parents, you can limit communication to a few lines in the weekly newsletter so they have an awareness of what is happening and a contact point for any questions/concerns. If the survey does involve them, the engagement would mirror the staff touch-points.


Their engagement really depends on the context of your situation. You don’t have to inform them of staff or parent surveys. It is helpful to get their feedback about questions/language in a pupil survey to ensure they can engage with it meaningfully.

What planning do we need to do?

Choose between a DIY survey tool or an external partner (like Edurio)

The first and most important aspect for you to ask yourself is: “How do we want to use the survey data to make a change?” The answer should guide you to select the tool that will provide you with the technology to produce helpful and clear data. We suggest schools and trusts use platforms that are able to analyse staff, pupil, and parent data through sub-groups of demographic (age, class, year group) data.

Other considerations should include how you want to work with the results data (export raw data to a spreadsheet), how the results will be presented, how respondents will be able to access the survey, and how different members of your team (trust/schools) will be able to access the survey and results.

Choosing a DIY tool, Google Forms or SurveyMonkey

Quick, easy and often free, these tools are probably already a part of your daily life or the lives of your respondents. While cheaper, these tools often offer limited ways to analyse the data and present clear information. These are best for small surveys with 5-10 questions. The responsibility lies on you to ensure the quality of the survey questions and the end analysis.

Choosing an external partner Edurio

External services often come with a price tag, but they bring their survey design expertise that can be catered to your needs, and support you in setting up and getting the survey to respondents, as well as in-depth ways of analysing your results.

Design your survey content

Be focused and targeted about the content of your survey, making sure it is aligned with the goal you set. By keeping in mind what you want to gain from your survey, you can have a clearer idea of what questions to include and remove in your survey. Go to the Survey design page for more step-by-step guidance on how to design your survey.

Plan survey logistics

Key terminology

Change agent: Someone who is taking the time to study and guide the successful process.

SLT/Exec Representative: Senior Leadership Team, Executive Team. Depending on the structure of your school or multi-academy or single-academy trust, the leadership team structure may differ.

Stakeholder Representative: Staff, parent or pupil representing the group for your project

Materials & templates

Four informational summary resources accompany this chapter of the hub. You can share and adapt the materials by providing a link to the original documents and indicating if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner but not in any way that suggests that Edurio endorses you or your use.


Team alignment


Roles and responsibilities


Survey timeline


Process check-ins

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