Parent Experience Survey

Parental involvement is the key to student success, and the extent to which schools nur­ture pos­i­tive rela­tion­ships with fam­i­lies — and vice ver­sa — makes all the dif­fer­ence.

The Parent Experience Survey covers key criteria for building successful partnerships between the school and the parent community.


Use the survey to uncover parent perceptions of:

  • Collaboration between parents and the school
  • Mutual trust and respect
  • Communication with the school


This survey has the biggest benchmarking available and will allow for contextual comparisons against the national benchmark, where applicable.

Compare results with the Staff Survey on Parental Engagement to gain insights into the relationship between stakeholder groups and inform the next steps to strengthen this critical partnership.

Average completion time:

15-20 min

Number of questions (excluding demographic questions):


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