SEND Capabilities and Support Survey for Staff

Contribute to the National SEND Benchmark

Enhance SEND Provision Across Your Trust

SEND has become a top priority, highlighted in recent CST surveys, budget reports, and broader education feedback. Now is the time to take action.

By launching the National SEND Capabilities and Support Survey for your staff, you’ll help create a clearer, evidence-based picture of SEND provision across the UK.


Why Participate?

  • Assess your staff’s experience with SEND support and evaluate the effectiveness of current strategies.
  • Identify key areas of SEND provision that require improvement or attention.
  • Receive actionable insights that will help you strengthen SEND provision across your trust.
  • Shape the national benchmark, contributing valuable data to guide future SEND policy and best practices.


Join the national effort to improve SEND provision.

Your data will help build a national picture of SEND, benefiting your trust and schools nationwide.

Average completion time:

10-15 min

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